CHAPTER 8: Turbulence and bumps

The aftermath of a storm often appears worse than the storm itself. The havoc wreaked by the sheer force of nature’s wildest elements can take weeks, months and even years to repair and put back together again. But if you look hard enough, there’s usually a rainbow after the storm. Chasing rainbows We learnt many […]
CHAPTER 7: Navigating the storm

People often use the phrase “eye of the storm”. It’s a term that defines part of a hurricane [or cyclone]. It’s that small zone of calm in the midst of chaos, ferocious rains and battering destruction. The wall of winds that swirl around this quiet respite are the polar opposite of this eye. (extract from […]

Straight paths and smooth rides are few and far between in life’s journey. There’s always an unexpected curve ball, a pot hole in the road, or a thunderstorm ahead. I guess life would be pretty boring if it was all smooth sailing! As we entered into the second half of 2018, certain dynamics which dictated […]

We pick up our journey from last time. We are cruising along comfortably with clear skies above, blue waters below, and a bright and hopeful horizon ahead. In October 2017 we received all the design plans for the lodge which had been professionally drawn up by PDI design consultant Phil Darby. The building project tender […]